NextDetect Features

  • Initiate Facial Recognition to locate missing person across all cameras
  • Facial Recognition and Capture can assist in locating suspects
  • Face capture in real time can be cross referenced with known Criminals or unwanted individuals
  • Images from face capture can be used to build a suspect database
  • Alerts based on possible facial match can be sent to authorities to verify
  • Proactive action can be taken before an incident occurs based on probability of a confirmed matched suspect
  • Look for Registered Child Predators near schools, parks, malls and & etc.
  • Ability for a store, mall, amusement park, school, Amber Alert and other areas that need to find a child. By simple importing a photo into NLSS Cloud Services, the picture can be pushed down to all the NLSS Gateways.  This would start a computer facial recognition search for the lost child.
  • Use to locate Missing Children
  • Use to locate Missing Adults or Silver Alerts
  • Link to Amber Alerts


NextDetect Screenshots

Search by Name for NextDetect Events

facial rec

NextDetect's sophisticated database allows retrieval of facial recognition events based on various criteria. Here, a search was made by 'name' for all events where a named individual was detected by NextDetect™. These events are displayed by date/time. Clicking on a thumbnail will play the recorded video for that event in the right hand window of the screen.

List all NextDetect Events

facial rec

Clicking 'Facial Recognition' on the Events screen will bring up a list of all associated events. Users can click on any of the events to play the associated video clips in the window.

Display names of identified personnel directly on video

facial rec

Cameras detect faces by accessing the facial database and display the name and confidence level of facial identification.